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Careers and Work Placement

At The Burgess Hill Academy, we are all fully committed to providing an outstanding programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance activities that help us to address the careers development needs of all our students.

This will include:

  • The provision of accurate, up-to-date and objective information on opportunities, progression routes, choices, where to find help and advice, and how to access it.
  • The provision of advice through activities that help young people to gather, understand and interpret information and apply it to their own situation.
  • The provision of impartial guidance and specialist support to help young people understand themselves and their needs, confront barriers, resolve conflicts, develop new perspectives and make progress.

The Governors, principal and all members of staff are committed to providing an outstanding programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance activities that satisfy national requirements and provide guidance which enables us to address the careers development needs of all our students. 

The careers programme is nationally assessed as achieving the Quality in Careers Standard, fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmark.

Outline of Learning Outcomes

Careers Leader

Linda Dorgan

Our Careers Program

The Burgess Hill Academy’s careers programme is measured by the Gatsby Benchmarks. These are criteria adopted by the Government’s Careers Strategy as part of the statutory guidance for schools.

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

These are measured by regularly updating the Academy’s progress on the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass+ website. The Academy are aiming to fully meet these criteria by July 2024 after Year 10 have completed their work experience.

Gatsby Benchmark: Good Career Guidance

Careers Curriculum

Labour Market Information

Thinking about your skills, interests and what jobs these can link to : 

Skillsometer – LMI For All

Use the Careerometer to explore and compare the labour market information for these jobs:

Careerometer – LMI For All

Whole School Careers Activities

Our careers programme is also supported by a number of assemblies for every year group from local employers.  We participate in National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week with a variety of assemblies and activities.  Employers also support learning in the classroom with visits such as; The Sea Cadet and Gatwick Airport Engineering in Science, The Grand Hotel demonstrating to our Year 10 GCSE food students and FeelGood Films working with our Year 10 GCSE film studies students.

Our programme is evaluated by verbal feedback during sessions, questionnaires following sessions and reviewing the impact on attitudes and behaviour as a student progresses through the Academy.  The impact of our careers advice is measured by tracking student’s destinations once they leave the Academy and comparing with the careers guidance given.

Work Placement Diary

Destination information

The destination status of 2023 Leavers at The Burgess Hill Academy is shown in the following: 

Destination status Total % of Pupils

Further Education 



Sixth Form College 



School Sixth Form 


NEET – Seeking EET 


Current situation unknown 




Employment without training 


Full time education – other 


NEET – not ready for work/learning 








Students from this academy move on to 

Number of pupils 

% of pupils 

Chichester College Group 



Varndean College 



East Sussex College Lewes 



Plumpton College 






St Paul’s Catholic College Sixth Form 


Other School/College 


Brighton Aldridge Community Academy 


For EmployersThe Academy welcomes local employers to work with our students in supporting activities in the classroom and careers events.  If you are interested in helping young people understand the options available to them and becoming well rounded individuals, please contact our careers leader at the email address provided above.